
Psychological tests

Testy psychologiczne do pracy – na czym to polega?

Dowiedz się, jak wyglądają Testy psychologiczne do pracy w JobFinder

As a complementing to the recruitment process we offer the selection tool as Psychological tests, that provide a lot of information about the personality or intellectual potential of the candidates.

Our experienced psychologists use a variety of tests, depending on your needs for the staff. In this way, we can get to know the personality and temperamental characteristics of the candidate, find out whether a given person is involved in their work and whether, for example, they can work in frequently changing conditions.

Psychological tests can be used not only in the recruitment process. We also recommend them as a tool supporting the further development of an employee or as a part of the trainings.


Selection of the best candidates for a specific job

Effective recruitment will ensure your company's development and achievement of business goals. You will succeed with a competent team!

Professional promotions and planning a further career path

Your dream team needs to evolve in order not to rotate. By planning the careers of employees, you will ensure the stability of the company.


Personality type

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

Coping with stress

Social skills

Visual-spatial abilities

Verbal skills

Abstract-logical abilities

Creative abilities

Traits of the nervous system (taking actions in highly stimulating and demanding conditions, resistance to fatigue and self-control and the ability to postpone activities and react to changes)

Interpersonal relations / goals orientation; striving for goals; type of contractor or producer

Self concept
